
Are the pharmaceutical drugs you are taking safe?

At present, 5,000 pharmaceutical drugs exist on the market and almost a quarter of US adults take three or more...

We need to unlearn, in order to adapt: A video on future jobs.

Technological advancement often induces a sense of uncertainty and fear. It's hard to avoid that, with headline...

This app turned picking up litter into a game.

An app called 'Litterati' aims to make picking up litter fun. It encourages people to take geo-tagged pictures ...

Future doctors will be living in your pocket!

This health app is helping people in rural communities avoid the costs of visiting a doctor. According to this ...

Why do humans run the world? A TED Talk.

Chances are, that reflections on why humans have become the most powerful species end with the simple answer of...

This robotic technology that diagnoses lung cancer just went mainstream!

A new blog post by Interesting Engineering shows us, once again, how technology will help our health care syste...

VR as a therapeutic tool!

"There are approximately 20 million veterans in the United States" and over a third of them have reported post-...

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