Before 2013, wearable devices were considered to be an ’emerging technology’. Now it’s part of your every day life. We are certain that many people reading this blog get their notifications on their smart watch, or at least have a smart bracelet that counts their steps and monitors key health indicators. But the truth is, wearable tech has a long way to go: there is potential there that is not 100% realised yet!
In this recent article by Tech Crunch, they explain how the wearable devices of the future will be part of our fashion. They will be integrated in our shoes, shirts and even earrings. Each will have a different function and will make our lives seem easier and more seamless.
If you’re cold, your shirt will start to warm up to keep you warm. Your shoes will be able to analyse your movements so that they can give you tips for improvement. Or even have pressure sensors that measure impact and weight distribution and prevent potential injuries. Your earrings will be able to measure key analytics on your health and send notifications on your phone when you need more sunlight, more oxygen or more water. All of these insights will help us live more comfortably, maximising our wellbeing and optimising our potential.
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