Technology offers a way to detect asymptomatic Covid-19 infections.

We know that one in five covid cases are asymptomatic. Nonetheless, they can contribute to spreading the virus. This is why we rely on measures such as social distancing and mask-wearing.
Now technology can offer an additional safety measure. A team of MIT Researchers used recordings of forced coughs to develop a screening tool for people that might not know they are infected with Covid-19.
Coughing is a biomarker that has been used in developing an AI model that detects Alzheimer’s disease. Without having to change the AI framework significantly, the team of researchers showed that it was able to identify patterns in four biomarkers related to the new coronavirus (vocal cord strength, sentiment, lung and respiratory performance and muscular degradation)

“The model identified 98.5 percent of coughs from people confirmed with Covid-19, and of those, it accurately detected all of the asymptomatic coughs”

With this technology, you can conveniently get daily assessments of your disease risk! Click below to learn more.

Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs

Asymptomatic people who are infected with Covid-19 exhibit, by definition, no discernible physical symptoms of the disease. They are thus less likely to seek out testing for the virus, and could unknowingly spread the infection to others. But it seems those who are asymptomatic may not be entirely free of changes wrought by the virus.

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