To transform our outdated education system, we must re-introduce the old normal of ‘learning’!

If you look at pictures of our phones, cars, or cities a few years ago, there’s no doubt that you will notice substantial differences. But what happens when you look at pictures of schools 100-150 years ago? Nothing has changed. Yet, modern schools “claim to prepare students for the future”, says rights activist Richard Williams.

And many would agree. In fact, speaker and writer Will Richardson emphasises that we need to transform our education system because the future “demands people who learn just in time, not just in case“. He urges us to see that if we want to help our children navigate what lies ahead, we need to replace the current “linear, dated curriculum that dictates what comes next” with the norm of learning. He explains that “learning is as natural as breathing when there is a real purpose behind it and when we have the freedom to learn on our own terms, when we’re not confined and coerced by external systems and traditions.”

How can we transform modern schools and what are the difficult choices that need to be made? Click below to read his blog.

To Create the “New Normal” of Education, Start With the “Old Normal” of Learning – Will Richardson

As educators, parents, and students have scrambled over the past couple of months to figure out how to move school online quickly and at scale, I can’t help but be reminded of a pivotal scene in the movie Apollo 13.

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