What would it mean if you could turn Alexa or Siri into a home operating system?
In these episodes of Predicting our Futures, Andrew Weinreich shares his predictions about smart homes. He believes that your future home will be able to recognise your facial expression or tone, and understand when you have had a rough day at work. In response, relaxing music will start playing and the thermostat will be switched so that you can have a hot shower. Saying “good morning” will be followed by your blinds automatically opening, your coffee boiling and your music playing.
Future homes will also take care of you. Sensors on your prescription will notify the pharmacy when you’re running out and order the next bottle for you.

If you don’t believe me, click to listen to his predictions below!

Episode 14: Your Home’s Operating System & The Artificial Intelligence That Will Power It

Over the past few years, the public has mostly come to associate the voice activation capabilities of Amazon’s Echo and Google Home with smart speakers.

Episode 15: Amazon, Walmart, & The Home That Shops for Itself

If you’re incredibly proficient at using your Amazon Echo, you might already being giving it directions to order more toilet paper or laundry detergent. But how long will it be before the home is communicating directly with Amazon or Walmart and it places an order with no verbal cue or even involvement from you?

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